Harlow Women's Institute

Member of the Federation of Essex Women's Institutes
Charity Registration Number 228992

Wednesday 10 April 2019

April in ............Harlow

There was a good turnout for today's meeting and the sun shone.

After the usual business of apologies, minutes and matters arising, notices and reports, we settled down to listen to Deborah Hart talk about hanging baskets and pots.  She started with an assortment of slides, showing good, bad, and downright weird examples, ranging from massive pedestal urns to small trays, and even included a retired Mini packed with flowers and a variety of shoes full of blooms.  Deborah then demonstrated how to select a suitable container, what compost to fill it with, and finally how to plant it for best results.  (The resulting basket went into the raffle for later.)

The talk was interesting and very informative, and Deborah was happy to answer members' questions afterwards.  She was warmly thanked by Lyn Martin.

The April competition subject was a 'Spring Posy' which attracted around ten entries (see pictures).

After the tea interval, the competition prize was awarded, the Raffle drawn, and Birthday flowers were presented to four members whose birthdays fall in April.  The afternoon finished with the singing of the National Anthem.