Harlow Women's Institute

Member of the Federation of Essex Women's Institutes
Charity Registration Number 228992

Saturday, 15 June 2013

June 12 Meeting

This delightful picture of deer grazing, taken on a frosty winter's morning, was Anthea Humm's winning entry for the June competition, as judged by our speaker for the day, Barry Kaufman-Wright.

We had had a splendid talk from him on wildlife in our gardens, copiously illustrated with slides and lots of anecdotes. 

The meeting had opened with the new President, Diane Hatt, introducing herself and the new Committee, explaining what jobs they would each be responsible for.  The formal business of the meeting had been conducted with minutes being read and approved, reports on events and finances being given, and the announcement of ticket sales for the Summer Lunch and the Strawberry Tea.

The Charity Coffee Morning in May had been very successful, despite a slow start, and had raised £360 for Harlow Talking Newspaper.  Harlow WI had come first in the qualifying round of the Essex WI Quiz and will now compete in the final at Hatfield Peverel on 5 July.  A brief report was given to the meeting on the NFWI AGM in Cardiff (a full report of this event will appear in WI Life).

After tea, the Raffle was drawn and Birthday flowers were presented to five members.  The competition winner was announced (see above), and details given of the next meeting.  The meeting ended with the singing of the National Anthem.