After a hectic first half of the month, things have now calmed down a little, giving us time to draw breath.
Harlow WI held its AGM on Wednesday 10th when elections for the committee were held and Resolutions voted on. As no new nominations for the committee had been received, it was no surprise when the existing committee were re-elected. Christine Dellow remains President.
The two Resolutions to be debated at the NFWI Annual Meeting in Liverpool next month (Alleviating Loneliness and Plastic Soup: keep microplastic fibres out of our oceans) were unanimously backed.
After the formal business was completed, we were treated to a talk by Mike Levett, Education & Volunteer Officer, Harlow Town Park. The Heritage Lottery Fund and Harlow Council have funded a programme of restorations, improvements and additions which have ensured that Harlow Town Park now has 'Green Flag' status, and is attracting increased numbers of visitors. Pets Corner has been revamped and boasts a classroom for visiting schoolchildren where educational talks and lectures take place. Spurriers House Cafe is under new management and is open for business. Park Runs, both adult and junior, take place weekly, there are regular walks, and groups of volunteers work weekly and monthly in the Park (particularly the Walled Garden) and at Pets Corner.
Mike has done sterling work recruiting many volunteers, leading and enthusing them to achieve great things in the Town Park. The volunteers come from a wide spectrum - some retired older people, Harlow College Supported Studies, Writtle College, scout groups and school groups. Mike entertained us all with photographs and descriptions of work completed, including some 'before and after' shots showing restoration of particular aspects of the Park. Events are planned to mark the 70th anniversary of Harlow New Town and the 60th anniversary of the Town Park.
After a thoroughly entertaining talk, Mike was thanked by Jean Wright.
Charity Coffee Morning
On Saturday 13th May, we held our annual Coffee Morning which we dedicate to raising funds for a local charity. It was a highly successful morning, netting over £500. Grateful thanks go to all those who made and donated cakes and other goods, to those who manned the stalls and the kitchen, and - of course - to all those who came and bought so generously.
Unfortunately, we have no photographs from either of the above events - our regular photographer was unavailable and the rest of us were so busy that photographs were overlooked!
Forthcoming Events
Play-reading Group - Thursday 18 May 2-4 pm
Craft Group - Friday 26 May open from 11 am until 4 pm
Book Group - Thursday 1 June 2-3.30 pm
County Quiz, preliminary round - Thursday 1 June 7.30 for 8 pm start
(There are still four vacant places on the teams - why not come along?)
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