My apologies.
Dues to problems of a personal nature, I was not able to attend the meetings dated: June 8th or July 13th and therefore cannot report back on the proceeding at the two events. My apologies.
There are of course no meetings in August and we return for our September meeting on the 14th when our speaker will be Mr M Stiffell on 'The life of a London Cabbie'.
The competition will be 'An autumn photographic scene'.
We look forward to seeing you all there.
Meeting dates for the remainder of 2011
Octobers 12th- The speaker will be Mr R Thomas on 'The Royal Gun powder mills'.
The competition will be 'A decorated candle.'
Novembers 9th- AGM.
The competition will be 'A small autumn arrangement.'
December 14th- The speakers will be Mr & Mrs B Tester and 'Audiovisuals-pictuires to music'
The competiton will be 'A handmade christmas card'.
We look forward to seeing you at the coming meetings.