Harlow Women's Institute

Member of the Federation of Essex Women's Institutes
Charity Registration Number 228992

Sunday 15 September 2019

Forthcoming Events

Thursday 19 September - Play-reading Group, 2-4 pm

Saturday 21 September - COFFEE PLUS, 10 am until noon

Friday 27 September - Drop-in Craft Group, 11 am until 3 pm

Thursday 3 October - Book Group, 2-3.30 pm

Wednesday 9 October - WI MEETING, 2-4 pm

Thursday 17 October - Play-reading Group, 2-4 pm

Saturday 19 October - COFFEE PLUS, 10 am until noon

Wednesday 23 October - COBBIN GROUP MEETING, 2-4 pm

The Autumn Term

The September meeting always feels like going back to school after the summer holidays - regret that summer can't go on for longer and pleasure at seeing old friends again.

As usual, the business of the meeting took place first; minutes, notices, opportunities for visits and outings, reports from the Treasurer and Secretary.  Then, the speaker!

Jacqueline Aviolet gave a wonderfully funny and informative talk entitled "I am a tulip, what are you?"  She explained her background as a plant-breeder and collector of native geraniums - the genus developed from the common cranesbill into an amazingly diverse range of colour and habit.  She then asked everyone in the hall what their first name was and proceeded to identify the various plants which had been given that name.  Some people had many plants - flowers, vegetables, trees, fungus - which carried their name, Charlotte being a good example.  Others had only one or two.  At the end of an exhaustive summary, she was warmly thanked by Jean Wright.  Jacqueline had brought along plants for sale at modest prices, which members were delighted to purchase.

After tea and cake (another treat!), the raffle was held, the competition for a floral mug or cup was judged by the speaker, and Birthday flowers were presented.  The National Anthem was sung, and members went home, many carrying plants, after a very enjoyable afternoon.  Our grateful thanks go to Jacqueline for a very entertaining talk.

The winning entry