Happy New Year!!
Welcome to the new year everybody!! We hope that your Christmas and new year celebrations went well and that the new year was greeted by you and yours win good health.
'From Russia with love'.
Unfortunately, I couldn't attend today's meeting, but I gather from those who were there, the speaker was extremely entertaining and was enjoyed by all.
Next months meeting-
February 8th 2012.
Speaker- Mrs E Regelous "A year in the life of a celebrity".
The competition is - a 'photo of a favourite celebrity'.
Meeting dates for the rest of the year-
March 14th-
Members day.
April 11th
Speaker Mr D Johnson "Underwater wreck diving"
Competition-Seaside memento.
May 9th
Speaker Mr M Conyers "Insight without sight" (Life of a blind physiotherapist)
Competition- A scarf.
June 13th
Speaker Mr Tim Moorey. " Joys of the English language"
Competition- A single rose.
July 11th
Speaker - Mrs Linda Scoles "Help I need a life style advisor"
Competition- A necklace
September 12
Mr W Bossom "The garden of Capel Manor"
Competition- Small floral arrangement in a tea cup.
October 10th
Speaker Mr B Billins "Antiques & collectibles- My collection"
Competition-A cherished object.
November 14th
Speaker-Dr S Tyler-Damon "Cakes and confetti"
Competition- A wedding photograph
December 12th
Speaker- Mr Martin Harrison
"Matinee at the musicals"
Competition- A decorated cupcake.
Other important dates for your diary-
Saturday February 11
Table top sale.
Wednesday 25th April
Group spring meeting.
Saturday 12th May
Charity coffee morning.
Monday 11th June
Inter WI quiz.
Wednesday 20th June
Summer lunch.
Wednesday 4th July
Strawberry tea.
Saturday 20th October
WI Bazaar.
Wednesday 5th December
Christmas lunch.
For further information on any on these events, please contact either :-
The chairman Daphne Stringer or secretary Lilian Pedrick on the numbers shown at the top right hand side of this page.
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