Harlow Women's Institute

Member of the Federation of Essex Women's Institutes
Charity Registration Number 228992

Sunday, 21 April 2013

How many Henrys?

It was, of course, Henry VIII not Henry XIII (who he?) who famously had six wives. 

Forthcoming events -

Wednesday 8 May at 2pm - Annual General Meeting

Saturday 18 May from 10am to noon - Charity Coffee Morning
           (proceeds in aid of Harlow Talking Newspaper)

                      PLEASE SUPPORT THESE EVENTS

A Busy Time

Harlow WI has been busy during the last two weeks.  The April meeting on the 10th was well-attended, and an appreciative audience heard Mrs Maggie Radcliffe talk about "Legends of the Silver Screen".  Members clearly recognised many of the faces in the photographs and enjoyed the anecdotes.

There were more than a dozen entries in the competition for "an example of your hobby".  The winner was Joyce Bassett with a cross-stitch cushion.

Nominations are still being sought for Committee members; voting will be at the AGM on 8 May.

On the 16th April, sixteen Harlow members attended the 43rd Cobbin Group Spring Meeting at North Weald Village Hall.  Cobbin Group is at present made up of North Weald, Church Langley, Harlow, Hastingwood, Fiddlers Hamlet and Roydon Hamlet WIs, and there was a good turn from each for this meeting.  The speaker was Fran Saltmarsh whose talk was entitled "Six Into One Will Go".  This was a novel take on the six wives of Henry XIII and the depiction of their clothes, based on portrait evidence.  It was a detailed and knowledgeable talk that was greatly enjoyed by all.

After the talk, it was time for refreshments and conversation, and the drawing of the raffle.  The meeting closed around 10.15pm with the singing of the National Anthem.

Harlow WI had been tasked with running the plant stall at this event.  After a shaky start (due to the absence of a cash float), trade was brisk.  All stock had been provided by Matthews Plants of Roydon, and proved very attractive to buyers.

Harlow WI has only been a member of Cobbin Group for about a year.  Both Harlow and Hastingwood were previously members of Border Tye/Lea Valley.  It is understood that there is to be a further shake-up of Groups this year.