July meeting
Forty-four members and one visitor attended yesterday's meeting. Events since the last meeting included the Summer Lunch, the Strawberry Tea and the final of the Essex WI Quiz\, all of which were reported upon.
Both the Lunch and Tea had been successful with approximately forty members attending each. At the Summer Lunch, the guest of honour was Mrs Anne Oval, chairman of Harlow Talking Newspaper, who was presented with a cheque for £360 (the proceeds of our Charity Coffee Morning in May). She gave a short talk on the origins of Talking Newspapers, their present format and the method of production, which members found very interesting.
Harlow WI's Quiz Team had taken part in the final of the Essex competition at Hatfield Peverel on Friday 5th July. The contest was keenly fought and all eleven teams acquitted themselves well. Harlow came seventh; the winners being Great Bentley.
July's speaker was Mrs Diana Pettitt who talked about the history of jewellery and beads, illustrated with many excellent photographs from around the world. There were around twenty very diverse entries in the competition for a brooch, which Mrs Pettitt judged. The winner was Jenny Ford.
Although there is no formal meeting in August, two events are planned. A fish and chip (or chicken and chip) lunch is to be held on Wednesday 14th at the WI Hall, and there is an afternoon outing to Great Easton Lodge Gardens on Thursday 22nd August. Members obviously miss their WI contact in August, as both these events look like being well-supported.
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