Harlow Women's Institute

Member of the Federation of Essex Women's Institutes
Charity Registration Number 228992

Monday, 29 July 2019

Centenary Event

On Wednesday 24 July 2019, Harlow WI held a Strawberry and Champagne Tea to celebrate the centenary of its founding in 1919.  Three past Presidents attended, as well as visitors from other WIs and thirty-six Harlow members.

The celebration cake

The 'lull before the storm'

Grateful thanks go to the hardworking team who shopped, prepared, served, and washed up.

Congratulations from NFWI and FEWI on Harlow's 100th Birthday

Wednesday, 17 July 2019

Forthcoming Events

Thursday, 18 July - 2pm  Play-reading Group, open to all.  Billy Liar

Saturday 20 July - the planned Coffee Morning has had to be cancelled due to a shortage of staff.

Wednesday 24 July - Strawberry & Champagne Tea, to celebrate the centenary of Harlow WI

Friday 26 July - 11 am until 3 pm, Craft Group, open to all

Thursday 1 August - 2 pm  Book Group, open to all

Wednesday 14 August - 1 pm Fish & Chip lunch

Thursday 15 August -  2 pm Play-reading Group, open to all.

On Saturday 17 August, Old Harlow Garden Club will be holding its annual show in the WI Hall.

The July meeting

This was a well-attended meeting.  The speaker, Maggie Piper, who is a Blue Badge guide in London, gave an in-depth account of two castles and a tower.  The first castle was Windsor and we were treated not only to an account of the history and layout of the castle, but also to the functioning of the events which occur within its walls.  Next, we moved to the Castle of May, the home of Queen Elizabeth, the late Queen Mother.  Contrary to expectation, this had been a recent acquisition which the Queen Mother had bought (for a notional sum) soon after she was widowed.  We finally arrived at the Tower of London.  Although it was a place of dread for those who incurred the wrath of a monarch, it was, nonetheless, home to many members of the monarchy and the court surrounding them.

The talk was informative and interesting and kept members enthralled for almost an hour.  At the end, Maggie was thanked by Pam Marsh.  She then went on to judge the July competition entries.  The requirement was for a picture/photo of a castle and there was a substantial entry (see below).

Maggie Piper, holding the winning entry

All in all, this was a very enjoyable meeting.