The meeting on 13 September saw a good turnout of members and visitors. After Jerusalem and the usual business, with the Minutes from July to remind us of what was going on two months ago, we welcomed the day’s speaker, Liz Huxley. Her talk, entitled “The Colours of Summer”, was primarily about the birds to be seen around Essex but also included an overview of plants, trees and insects. An amazing diversity was on show including some rare visitors such as the stilt. The changing global climate may be playing a part in driving wild-life species to seek fresh pastures. Members very much enjoyed the talk, and Liz was thanked by Sue Livings.
Tea, coffee and biscuits were served, giving members a chance to catch up with friends’ news. The raffle was drawn and the competition (for a small seasonal arrangement in a box) was judged. President Linda Monk then reminded everyone about forthcoming events, the National Anthem was sung, and we all departed for home.
Forthcoming Events
Tuesday 19 September - Activities Afternoon - 1-4pm Entrance £3
This event is open to all. Come along, play darts and table games, bring your craftwork, discuss books and music, enjoy drinks and biscuits, bring a friend.
Wednesday 18 October - Fish & Chip Lunch 12.30 for 1pm Cost £7.50
This event needs to be booked in advance. Contact Hazel Quinn on 01279 745145