Harlow Women's Institute

Member of the Federation of Essex Women's Institutes
Charity Registration Number 228992

Sunday 17 April 2011

Saturdays Table Top sale.

Well Saturdays table top sale was greeted with warm sunny weather and a relatively good attendance.
Some table sold more than others, but as always the WI cake stall sold extremely well and by the end of the afternoon, there were only a few morsels left on the table.
The turn out was pretty good with a steady stream of visitors throughout the afternoon. There were approximately eight tables and each piled high with a plethora of hand crafted items. Each tables contents were different from the next and included quilted and hand sewn items, hand knitted baby clothes and toys, handmade cards, jewellery, paintings, tapestry and cross stitch pictures. A true representation of the talented people of Harlow and the WI.
All in all, a very successful afternoon and it would appear everyone had fun.
Next Table Top sale is date is for the WI sale is May. I will confirm further details as soon as possible.
A few more dates for your diary-
Wednesday 11th May: New members luncheon. 12 midday til 1:15pm. This is a chance for the committee to meet and welcome new members. A light lunch will be served with tea and coffee refreshments. I believe that this event is by invitation only at the presidents discretion.
Wednesday 15th June- Summer lunch.
Wednesday 6th July- Strawberry tea.
Saturday 22nd October- WI Bazaar.
Wednesday 7th December- Christmas lunch.

Friday 15 April 2011

Zena Skinner

Zena Skinner with our President Daphne Stringer and secretary Lilian Pedrick.

Hello to one and all.

At This weeks meeting (13th April 2011) we were very privileged to have the one and only Zena Skinner as our speaker. For those who don't know, Zena was a cook on television back in the days of black and white telly!! Zena regaled stories of her antics with the boom microphone and her cooking experiences. She was hilarious , very entertaining and I guarantee that there wasn't one person who didn't enjoy her talk. Some ladies were even crying with laughter. A huge thank you to Zena for a wonderful aternoon.

Dont forget the table top sale this Saturday 16th April 11am -2pm. The WI have a cake stall and teas and coffee's will be available for sale. The stalls include crafters selling jewellery, quilted items, knitted items, and handmade cards. Please do try and come along.

The next meeting is on Wednesday 11th May. The speaker is Mr S Beechey talking about 'Bees Honey, Hives and produce. The competition is homemade scones.

Another date for your diary- Saturday 14th May which is the charity coffee morning. More details will be added here nearer the date, but proceeds will be donated to the chosen charity of this year.

We look forward to seeing you.