Harlow Women's Institute

Member of the Federation of Essex Women's Institutes
Charity Registration Number 228992

Tuesday 15 May 2018

Still busy May

The 2018 Charity Coffee Morning was held on Saturday 12 May.  This year, the chosen charity was the Harlow Chocolate Run.

 A steady stream of people came in during the two hours of the Coffee Morning.  Stalls were well-stocked with gifts and handicrafts, cakes, books & games, bric-à-brac and plants.  There was the opportunity to guess the name of the soft toy, and the chance to buy raffle tickets.  Many of the raffle prizes had been generously supplied by local traders and we are very grateful to them.


Anna Bignell and Jo Busson came along from the Chocolate Run to explain how that organisation worked to help homeless people experience some social contact. 
The lucky winner of the "Name the Soft Toy" competition


Busy May

Wednesday the 9th was our AGM.  Members were treated to a full report of the past year (actually, the past nine months) and an explanation of the accounts.  Whilst the WI reported a surplus for the period, the Hall unfortunately made a loss due to the massive water leak which occurred in May 2017.  However, both accounts remain in a healthy condition.

In her report, the President Christine Dellow thanked all members and the committee for their support and hard work.  She mentioned Lilian Pedrick who had recently died, and who had been a long-serving member and tireless worker.

Voting took place for the 2018 committee, which turned out to look very like the 2017 committee.  Only one member, Betty Brittin, had decided not to stand again.  She was warmly thanked for her support. 

Voting also took place for the Resolution which will be debated at the NFWI Annual Meeting in Cardiff in June.  We were fortunate that our Link Delegate, Jill Ludlow, from Roydon Village WI was present for this and she helped explain the pros and cons of the Mental Health Matters Resolution. 

During a busy afternoon, we had a short talk from Mhairi of the Citizens Advice Bureau.  It was fascinating and very informative to hear of the vast amount of work undertaken by both paid and volunteer members of CAB staff.  Harlow has one of the largest CAB offices. 

Rather bravely, we had a competition for a home-made hat.  Judging by the small number of entries, members found this a challenge too far!