Harlow Women's Institute

Member of the Federation of Essex Women's Institutes
Charity Registration Number 228992

Thursday 9 December 2021

Final Meeting of the Year

 At the meeting on Wednesday 8 December, we were treated to a performance by the Phoenix Ukulele Band, playing a selection of well-known songs mostly from the 20th century interspersed with Christmas songs to get us in the mood.  The band was very well-received and got huge cheers and lots of arm waving, despite the fact that only twenty WI members had braved the weather and the threat of the new Omicron virus variant to turn up.  It was a most enjoyable afternoon with the added treat of mince pies.

Members will be meeting again on Wednesday 12 January 2022 at 2 pm.  This is to be a social afternoon with a competition (for the prettiest Christmas card you've received this year) and probably a quiz.  There'll also be the usual raffle.  

Current memberships will last until 31st March 2022, so there's no post-Christmas panic to reclaim lost coins from down the back of the sofa in order to pay the subscription.  The new programme card for the year will be available, although some dates may be subject to change, depending on the course of the virus.  We sincerely hope that the New Year will bring a better outlook.


We were very sorry to hear of the death of Linda Carter.  Linda was a member of Church Langley WI and a dual member of Harlow for three years.  She will be much missed, and we send our deep sympathy to her family and friends.