Post Christmas
No apparent post-Christmas depression afflicted the 48 members who attended the January meeting. A lively gathering was well entertained by Tim Moorey talking about Samuel Johnson, lexicographer, writer, poet, and all-round good egg; a fascinating man, who laboured over several years to produce his pivotal dictionary which gave meaning and definition to the English language and which remained in use until the mid-1930s. Tim offered a wealth of quotations from the dictionary which kept his audience intrigued and amused.
In addition to the talk, members were occupied in voting for the Resolution to be debated at this year's Annual Meeting in Leeds in June, and voting for members of the Board of Trustees of the Essex Federation.
The competition, which was for a bookmark, was won by Dot Spriggs.
A belated mention for the December meeting when we had the handbell ringers from Matching. They gave an introductory talk on handbells in general and then played a number of melodies including carols and other seasonal offerings. A few Harlow members bravely volunteered to 'have a go' and acquitted themselves honourably. Many of the Matching team are WI members.
The competition (not surprisingly) was for an ornamental bell - of the many entries, which included glass, metal and ceramic offerings, Barbara Kemp's glass bell commemorating the Queen's coronation was picked as the winner.
The next meeting is on 12 February. The talk, to be given by Mr Gordon Bailey, is entitled "Treasures Beneath Your Feet" and the competition is for a 'found' object.
The annual subscription of £34.70 is now due, and members are urged to renew as soon as possible.
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