Harlow Women's Institute

Member of the Federation of Essex Women's Institutes
Charity Registration Number 228992

Sunday 13 April 2014


The April meeting was preceded by a lunch for recently-joined members hosted by the President and Committee.  The buffet lunch was enjoyed by the twenty or so members attending.  The President distributed various publications, including our Welcome to Harlow WI booklet, and invited each person to say a few words about herself.  After this, there was just time to clear the table before the influx of members for the meeting.

It was another well-attended meeting with forty-four members and two visitors present.  After the singing of Jerusalem, the usual business of minutes and matters arising was completed, and the President took the opportunity to thank Margaret Bacon and her team for the excellent Members Day meeting the previous month.

Good wishes were sent to those members who were unwell and unable to attend. 

May will be a busy month with the Annual General Meeting taking place on the 14th followed three days later by the Charity Coffee Morning.  This year, the Coffee Morning proceeds will be donated to St Clare Hospice.  The President appealed to members for goods for the stalls, help on the day and - above all - a good attendance.

The April speaker was Mr Brian Carline whose talk was intriguingly titled "Tripes & Trotters".  Mr Carline grew up in Salford and spoke very amusingly about his early days and the people he grew up with.  He mentioned the arrival of Granada TV's Coronation Street, inspired by the sight of rather bleak Ancoats streets, and shared anecdotes about many famous names.  It was an altogether entertaining talk, and he was thanked by Eileen Jones.

Tea and biscuits arrived next, Mr Carline judged the competition, the raffle was drawn, and birthday flowers were given to six members.  The competition was for a childhood memento and attracted a very diverse range of entries.  The winner was declared to be a small baby's rattle owned by Jean Wright.
A Baby's Rattle - 1947

At the end of the afternoon, the President thanked members for their help and reminded them of the May dates - Wednesday 14th for the AGM (nominations for election to the committee welcome) and Saturday 17th for the Charity Coffee Morning.  Then the National Anthem was sung and the meeting ended at 4pm.