Harlow Women's Institute

Member of the Federation of Essex Women's Institutes
Charity Registration Number 228992

Friday, 20 February 2015

February meeting

The February meeting was another well-attended afternoon with forty-one members and visitors.

After the usual business was completed, everyone settled down to hear Mrs Sally Browne talk about and demonstrate sugarcraft.  She concentrated on the making of roses, but she had also brought along beautiful examples of many other flowers such as lily-of-the-valley and fuchsia.  Examples of the various stages in the creating of a rose were passed around the audience.  Unfortunately, not everyone had a clear view of the process, so it was decided that we would hold a workshop early in 2016 when those particularly interested in this craft could have a closer look at the techniques involved, and perhaps get a little hands-on experience.  Mrs Browne has agreed to come along again and demonstrate. 

After the tea interval, the raffle was drawn, Birthday flowers given out, and Mrs Brown judged the competition for a decorated fairy cake.  The winner was Linda Monk whose entry is shown below.

The next meeting will be on Wednesday 11 March at 2pm in the WI Hall.  We hope to have a potter talking and demonstrating her craft and - perhaps - encouraging members to have a go themselves.
The competition will be for a favourite piece of pottery - perhaps created by a child or grandchild or holding a particular significance. 

In the meantime, those members who have booked to go on the visit to Benington Lordship on the 25 February to see the snowdrops are reminded that the minibus will leave from the WI Hall at 11.30am.
The return journey will leave Benington Lordship at 3.30pm.