Annual General Meeting
The May meeting brought the AGM and the election of a new committee - well, a nearly new committee.
A good turnout of members heard the President, Diane Hatt, give a summary of the highs and lows of the past year. Most events had proved successful, either in terms of fund-raising at the Charity Coffee Morning and the Bazaar, or as enjoyable activities such as outings or lunches. An occasional planned outing failed to generate sufficient support and had to be abandoned, but this was a rare occurrence.
After the President, the Treasurer took to the floor to present the accounts for the past twelve months. The Hall has to be dealt with separately from the WI and is more like a small business. All accounts had been independently examined by a County appointee, and been found satisfactory.
They were accepted by the membership.
Following this, the President and the eight existing committee members duly resigned, and the meeting was left in the capable hands of the acting Chair who conducted the overseeing of the election. There was a total of twelve nominations - President and eleven committee members - just sufficient to fill the committee. All twelve were elected by a show of hands.
After the serious business of the AGM, members were able to relax and enjoy their cup of tea and biscuits. An informal quiz was held, Birthday flowers were presented, the Raffle was drawn and the competition judged. The latter (for an 'odd ode') was won by Linda Monk with a lament for the passing of the years.
At last year's AGM, members gave their small change to create a 'line of pennies' which resulted in more than £11 going to ACWW. This year's AGM managed to better that total; after working into the small hours of the morning counting coins, the Treasurer announced that the total was £16.10. This, too, will go to ACWW.
Forthcoming Events
Saturday 16 May - Charity Coffee Morning in aid of Caring for Harlow Carers, from 10 am until noon in the WI Hall, Old Harlow. Come along and support this very worthy cause. All the usual stalls will be there - cakes, gifts, books, bric-à-brac, raffle, name the toy, and a tombola.
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