A Busy Month
The Annual General Meeting took place on Wednesday 14 May. Thirty-eight members and one visitor attended the meeting, and there were many apologies for absence - mostly because of holidays but a few were because of ill health or medical commitments. This latter group included the President, so the chair was taken by the Treasurer with the assistance of the Secretary. The business of the Annual Meeting came first, with the minutes of the 2013 AGM being read and approved. There were no matters arising. Then the Secretary read out the President's address to the meeting. The Committee Report and the Accounts for the year had been circulated before the start of the meeting, and the Treasurer spoke briefly about the year and answered questions from the floor. The meeting then voted to accept the report and accounts.
Mrs Daphne Stringer had resigned from the Committee due to ill health, but no nominations had been received for new committee members. Consequently the existing committee - consisting of nine members - was re-elected. Diane Hatt continues as President. It was agreed by the membership that Essex Federation should be asked, as usual, to appoint an independent examiner for the 2015 accounts.
After a short Open Forum, the 2014 AGM was declared over.
The routine business of the May meeting came next with the previous month's minutes being read. These were approved and signed. Notices and correspondence were read, and members were reminded of the Charity Coffee Morning and the Summer Lunch.
The tea interval was rather longer than usual to allow for the consumption of Swiss roll as well as biscuits. During this time, the raffle was drawn, Birthday flowers were presented, and the competition judged. The subject of the competition was home-made sweets or chocolates, and there were quite a few entries. The winner was declared to be Linda Monk. (It would have been nice here to have had a photograph of the various confections but, alas, most of them disappeared quickly, consumed with relish!).
A 'line of pennies' to go towards the Pennies for Friendship donation had been started on a table-top to which all members were invited to contribute. When counted, the total was £11.10.
After a further reminder of the Coffee Morning and the singing of the National Anthem, the meeting closed at 3.45pm.
The first WI Walk of 2014 was scheduled for the next morning (Thursday 15th). Only three members felt equal to the task but enjoyed a pleasant walk to and around New Hall, followed by refreshments at Tesco's café.
The Charity Coffee Morning took place only three days after the AGM. The weather was fine and bright, and the WI Hall was decorated with balloons and bunting. After a slow start, a steady stream of visitors came through the door to look over the stalls and to drink a cup of coffee. Despite these recessionary times, they spent generously, and we will be sending St Clare Hospice a cheque for the proceeds.
The President thanked WI members for their willing help in setting up, stocking, serving and attending.
The final WI event in May has been the afternoon tea at Marygreen Manor Hotel, Brentwood, on Wednesday 21st. Ten members travelled by the Harlow Community Transport minibus to partake of an excellent afternoon tea with a surprising number of different teas on offer. Afterwards, there was time for a stroll around the gardens of the Hotel before returning to Harlow.
Forthcoming events
The Summer Lunch is on Wednesday 4 June at 12.45 for 1pm. Tickets are £8, available from the Treasurer.
The next meeting is on Wednesday 11 June at 2pm. The speaker is Mrs Lucasta Edwards on "What's Your Style?", and the competition is for a single rose.
The next play-reading afternoon is on Wednesday 18 June at 2pm.
The Strawberry Tea is on Wednesday 2 July.
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